Recently Samsung launched their very own official Samsung Galaxy Camera the first 3G camera with thrilling features taking up a whole new revolution in the world of cameras offering 16.3 megapixel, 21x optical zoom, 23mm aperture lens, 8GB memory, a 1,650 mAh battery, 4.8 inch HD display with latest android OS Jelly Bean with TouchWiz.It works just like a phone with calling facilities you can do all the things you do on a android smart phone on this but it will look weird though.But its a great for those like travelers who want to snap out their pic on the go with flick, picasa, blah....blah
Samsung Galaxy review at phonedog
If you aren't satisfied with our review on Samsung Galaxy Camera then check out the extended review at slashgear.
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Samsung Galaxy review at phonedog
If you aren't satisfied with our review on Samsung Galaxy Camera then check out the extended review at slashgear.
Note: I always give the source of that website, blog, video of the owner's link who had written or made a video review things i don't own i don't make mine so there is no possibility of stealing information from other websites and writting or putting it down at my website.